(Matt Tinoco / LAPP)

You may have landed here because you left us a voicemail submitting your story to Renter’s Hotline, a tenant advice segment on our biweekly news podcast, Smogland Radio. On the segment, tenants share an issue they’re facing and get expert advice from a housing lawyer.

That said, email call or email us with your questions, and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can. You can reach the Hotline at 323-200-9539. Or you can submit your questions here.

We’ve received a lot of tenant inquiries for Renter’s Hotline. We’re a small team, and can’t feature every tenant on the show. We also might take a little while to respond, so if your situation requires more urgent help, we’ve compiled these resources.

If you have any resources to suggest that we haven’t included here, email us at: [email protected].

Past articles

We’ve written a few explainers ourselves with more information about how to fight back against problematic landlords.

Renter’s Hotline

And of course, you can also listen to our past episode of the Renter’s Hotline, for more tips.